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Brian Frank

Motherboard won't boot...

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Okay, I've got my duallie rig set up with an MSI 694D Pro and a 300W Premier PSU. I just came home and found the machine didn't wake up, so I figured someone screwed around an locked up the PC. Wrongo! Now I'm lucky to see anything on the screen. No beeps, but the D-LED is all red, indicating it's powering up.

Me thinks its the PSU, but I'd like to see what everyone else says first. Help...quickly...

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God brian...it could be anything. Ummm, first try switching around some RAM. Take sticks out, put different ones in, that is, if you even have any others. Also check the voltage output switch on the back of the power supply. Make sure it didn't get accidently switched. Is the power supply spinning up when you turn the power on, or does it just sit there? If it isn't even spinning up, then most likely that is your problem.


This may sound really silly, but change power cables/surge protector. This just happened to me recently. As soon as i changed it, it worked. If you try that and nothing happens, then its got to be a dead Power supply. GL.

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Something is certainly up now. I am having hell whenever I use graphics related programs, basically my games...so I've got more work to do...

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Well, it's definitely something in Win2k. Im dual booting between Win2k and XP RC1, and XP works damn fine. Oh hell, I'm just gonna format the Win2k partition and start over...it's only my test rig anyway.


Can't sleep, Bill Gates will assimilate me!

Can't sleep, Bill Gates will assimilate me!

Can't sleep, Bill Gates will assimilate me!

Can't sleep, Bill Gates will assimilate me!....

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just go with XP man, its just a test rig

i know you'll come to love XP, and if the kiddie themes make you sick, turn 'em off, ya know?

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Ahh, I'd love to, but the only problem is the networking. My dad wants NetBEUI for networking, so I have to go with the flow.

Right now, I've got RC1 running fine, and have yanked out both NICs and the stick of PNY RAM, and my SB16PCI OEM. Win2k is installing wonderfully.

Also took the hdd off the Promise controller and things run fine now, but I don't see why that's the problem.

I think it's having the two NICs that screwing things up.


Well, thanx for the replies ppl's. Gotta jump back to the duallie and see what hardware is screwing it up.

I really think it has something to do with the two NICs, cuz the 2nd one was the last piece of hardware I put in before things went sour.

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I'm trying a new PSU, and if that doesn't fix it, I'm getting the Asus CUV4X-D or the Abit VP6.

Please, tech gods, let it be the PSU!!! frown

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Okay, I'm just gonna go with XP now. The new PSU fixed the power-up problems.


I'll be hanging around the XP sections more now. I'll let ya know how the duallie goes, and maybe some overclockin' goodness:p

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This must be a record. 6 out of 8 posts made by the guy who started the thread. Brian, obviously you are determined to break the 10000 post barrier, but please....



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Nevermind about the MSI. It crapped out and I got an Abit VP6 instead.

Getting 2 800MHz P3's tommorrow.

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