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Transport Tycoon Deluxe Win95 ED.

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Anyone get this game to work in win2k? I get a "Error reading registry" error even when using qfixapp or win2k's win95 compatibility layer.

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save this as ttd.reg and add it to the registry.

You should edit the HDPath to the correct loacation





[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FISH Technology Group\Transport Tycoon Deluxe]












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Now it can't access the cd even though I have it in the drive. Any idea why? Also it does not even attempt to read any of my cdrom drives.

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hey, I found out the same, but also I get an error for that cd...but it is patchable! the bad thing is, I dunno how...

so, look at this page:



under 'transport tycoon deluxe' is the following:


Received the follow messages:

1) I received the following message : -error reading registry

2) Will not recognize USB keyboard or mouse.

3) I have managed to bypass the reg problem by importing the registry file from Windows 98 to Windows 2000. All that remains is to patch the cd-check problem.


4) Error: Cannot switch to SVGA mode


look at the part: 'All that remains is to patch the cd-check problem'. '


so it is possible!!!! somebody, plz help us out!

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That doesnt really mean its patchable. I dont think we will ever get this game to work in 2000/XP

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Someone with experience in making no cd cracks would propably be able to make one fast...but its kinda hard finding someone like that.

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