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Need to know the very best....

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I am building a new system for programming and game playing. It is an IBM Intellistation PIV at 1.7 Ghz with 512 mb ram running Windows 2000 Pro sp/2, but will be upgraded to Windows XP Pro as soon as it is offically released. The sytem comes with a Matrox Milleniun 2D board w/16 mb onboard memory. I want to add the very best and fastes 3d gaming card with the most onboard memory I can afford! TV in/out is not important, but I'll take it if that's the way the best comes. Please give me suggestions for the very best board compatible with my new system so that I can play the best games with the best 3d efects and speed! It can be PCI or AGP, whichever is best! Note: Cost is NOT a factor!

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Your best bet is probably a GeForce III card. Brand doesn't matter too much as they all perform to a similar level. It will comes down to any extras you want. Some come with DVI, TV-Out, 3D glasees and so-on. This all adds to the cost but there's no point paying for features you won't use.

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Don't buy a P4 there D.O.A. why you be stuck with RIMM memory only.

In fact a new Intel P3 1.2GHz is kicking all P4 butt even a AMD 1.4 is kicking P4 butt.

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Actually, your comparisons between performance with the Pent III and IV are not exactly correct. The latest benchmarks, on systems configured properly for each, which includes proper bus type and speed, shows quite a perfromance boost with the Pent IV, especially of course when apps are optimized for it and with Direct X 8. PC Labs, Intel, and Win 200 mag tests have confirmed this. Now the Xenon and Itaniums are a different story...being optimized for server use.

What about the new Elsa Gladiac 920 3d card? I hear it's outperforming everybody, again especially under Direct X 8.

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The PIVs have fantastic memory throughput, but there's too more to a performance PC that the RAM.


At the moment there isn't anything available that is optimised for the PIV (as far as gamers are concerned).


Until the OS and and software is re-written, you'll still get better overall performance from an AMD/P3 rig than you will from a PIV.

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Just wait till games optimized for it and DX8 come out! The differences will be spectacular.

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