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hey remember me the dude with the Nvidia Riva TNT2 Model 64 display problems??? well this is more worst...ok i was in windows and i encountered a system problem and my system froza...i rebooted the system and it wouldnt go past the windows xp splash screen loading..it wiould rev up the cdrom and harddrive but nothing else..so i did the use last good system configuration and that didnt work. so i decided to reinstall Windows XP...ok there was an option to repair the installation of XP so i clicked on it...it was almost done!! then i got a bluescreen that said IRQL_not less or equal...i thought hmm another blue screen let me try it again so i tried it again and i got the same thing and i tried it for another time and when it went to check the harddrive it wouldnt get past 84% please help me out!!!

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I got this occasionally on a Overclocked Win2k machine. Pushed it too far. If it is OC then just put it back to normal until your fixed up.

I was told it was driver conflict but not too sure I backed the machine down and its not happened since

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I think im not ready for XP because i have all kinds of games and some of them dont support XP even when i set the compatibility so i wiped my drive and im puttin 2000 on iy..omg check this out..i was the person who was postin about the Nvidia Riva TNT2 Model 64 drivers were not workin...after that problem with xp got to the point in which i had to wipe it...my dad went to the bios.. and check this out...the vga boot sequence was wrong.. it had it PCI/AGP when it was supposed to be AGP/PCI.. that was the whole problem after that!!! that was the whole problem WINDOWS XP MESSED UP!!!

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He didn't say it did. Just that the incorrect setting had caused the problems he was experiencing.

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I think youll find that unless your running 2 cards that the bios switches to the AGP setting if no PCI is detected and vica versa

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