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GUI Corruption

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Hi Guys,


Just a thought, I have noticed menu corruption many times. Has microsoft fixed in later versions.





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yes, that has been fixed.... at least, I have yet to see that happen since I upgraded to RC2...

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Anyone know about Favorites menu expansion to fill whole screen or inability to access root of a CDR on XP but can on 2K?


Dangit I need a buglist. wink

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i'm using RC2 2526 and its still there, i don't think its corruption though, i think its there so you can see an outline of the directory above.

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What do mean outline of the above directory. Explain it a bit




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i thought they were "eye-candy". now that i look at it it is corruption becuase it's not always like that. sometimes it looks normal

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I also get a few pixels change color on the desktop after using the new start menu. The thig is still buggy and I hope it gets solved by RTM.

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