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Replacing Windows 2000 Shell

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I read the article posted on the main page of Nt COmpatible about customizing Windows 2000. I was really intrigued about changing the Windows 2000 shell. The article didn't give any instructions as to how this was done, and the new shell that I downloaded looks to have instructions for Win98. My problem is that I cant seem to find the right ".ini" file to do this. System.ini does not contain the text that it says it should.


""Open C:\Windows\System.ini with NotePad or any other text editor

You should see the following lines of text at the beginning of the file:


(a bunch of stuff you shouldn't care about)



Change the line shell=Explorer.exe to shell=C:\LiteStep\LiteStep.exe""


If anyone could give some help as to what ".ini" file contains this that would be great.


Also does anyone have any experience in doing this. Any tips would be much appreciated.

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Modify it using the registry by going to start/run/regedit and then going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Micrisoft Windows or


place the following into a name.reg file and import it into the registry. smile


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


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Hey thanks alot DosFreak, the tip worked. That was the most usefull piece of advice i have goten form this place. Ohh and by the way, this interface is really cool. It is nothing like Win2k. It is going to take some getting use to but it will be awsome when I get the hang of it. Thanks for the info again.

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I was curios what shell(s) you tried?


At one time I used Litestep, that was back in the late 23, early 24 builds.


If you really want to have fun, set your shell to cmd.exe. It’s amazing how much you can do after you learn the commands and their switch’s.

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I am using Lightstep right now. I cant seems to figure ti out though. What sre these switches that you ar talking about? I can get my programs to be in any of the menues this thing has. Would you happen to know of a place i can read upon how to control this thing? Right now i have to run everythig from either the run command or goin through explorer and finding the ".exe" file. Other that that this thing is awsome! I am usining iBDE final version. It has this window in the lower right hand corner that has 4 quadrants in it that correspond to diferent quadrants of your screen. So it is like your screen ir really four times bigger. You can switch between quadrants and pu aplications in and out of different quadrants just by draging them in the little display. I really recomend it if you are lookin gfor something different.

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