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dual boot question

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I run win2k pro as my main OS...I have my C: drive partitioned into 3drives and put xp on drive E: installed fine and boots up great...my problem comes when i go back into win2k...everything loads and right b4 everything is fully loaded in the task tray, I get a blue screen and it does a memory dump and say's something to the effect of ntoskernel.exe...it happens os fast I can't really read it...then my machine re-boots, now it will load fine in safe mode but as soon as I try without safe mode it does it every time...now this only happens when xp is on the e: drive...the only way I can get back into win2k successfully is by formatting my e: drive and botting into safe mode in win 2k and re-installing win 2k over the existing version....any ideas to what is going on..seems xp is placing something in my my os that caused major conflicks???



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I dualboot windows 98se and windows 2000 pro...my c: drive has win98 and my d: drive has win2000 then i also have another 3 drives which i use for storage (all drives/partitions are physical)


I got my windows xp rc1 preview cd yesterday so i decided to upgrade my windows 98 install to it, all went fine and i could boot into windows xp and use it with no problems...but...as soon as i booted win2k the 1st dos progress bar (starting windows 2000) seemed to have disapeared although i could hear disk activity, then after the windows 2000 logo all seemed to load ok up untill the point where the desktop was almost going to appear (after setting profiles blah) then i got a bsod frown








I tried a number of things to fix it, playign with my paging settings mainly which had no effect so in the end i put everything back to how it was that i had changed to get it right...then i went into xp and uninstalled it to revert to win98 - now everything is fine laugh


I hope some1 can help me with this also, i would like to try windows xp and see what all the fuss is about, but not at the expense of my brilliantly running win2k install frown



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