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Via KT133A or AMD AMD761???

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I'm planning to buy an Athlon 1,2 GB but i can't make a choice between

AMD 761 and via133A based motherboards??


1. Will the 761 give more stability than that freakin VIA???

2. Does the 761 only support DDR, or can i just put my pc133 sticks in it.



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every single AMD-VIA config that i have seen or used has had problems, even though an Intel-VIA config works fine, go with the AMD 761.

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OK, but is the AMD 761 compatible with pc133 ram?

(sorry, i've done some research on the net but nowhere i could find that info)

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from what i understand, the 761 only supports DDR memory at the moment and there's a shade of doubt that it will ever support standard SDRAM

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Well thanks a lot, for the links, and for confirming what was said there.


It seems via is my only choice then frown

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The only time I've ever had a problem with Via based chipsets, is with the Geforce 2 and the SBLIVE!. There are no issues now that stand out that would prclude you from buying Via.

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Well i'm gonna give you the list of the components i plan on putting into the AMD system (currently all this is running on a P3 800 with abit be6-2):



Hercules Geforce DDR

Soundcard: Hercules fortissimo 2

Maxtor ATA100 30 GB

512 MB pc133

Pinnacle TV Card

D-link NIC

Pioneer DVD drive

HP 8200i CD-RW



Also, i only have a 250W PSU, i guess i'd better get a 300W??



I may be buying a geforce 2 Pro once, what were the issues with it and VIA?? Are they solved now?

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It would be a good idea to get a bigger psu, 300 should be fine as u said. Is ddr mem the only reason you are going via over amd? cos if it is i would just buy the ddr mem and get the amd, its the same price as 133 mem now 8)

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Or you could get a board with both DDR and SDR slots. Asus and MSI both carry them, and you could always get the DDR later.

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An msi BOard with one stick of 128 DDR ram would cost you mere pennies. THo you are using a Via chipset, its rock solid for me







"Damn that Michael Douglas!"

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If you are looking at a VIA chipset go with the Abit-KG7 raid or basic. I recently built my friend a system pretty much similar to mine T-bird 1.33 and Abit KT7a. Out of the box the thing wouldnt get farther than 3 mins in windows, then i went to VIA hardware and checked the KT7a FAQ and updated the BIOS to 4r and turned P&P OS Off in the BIOS and now the thing is rock solid stable. No SB Live! issues or GeForce 2 issues. So the problems with VIA have pretty much been sorted out you just need to update the BIOS on the boards.

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Also, i only have a 250W PSU, i guess i'd better get a 300W??

i believe 300w is a requirment for amd athlon am i wrong?

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if you buy a **** motherboard you will have problems. That is why if your buying motherboards you go with Abit or Asus. I have never had a problem with mobos from those companies. They might be a bit more expensive but its worth it.

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