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Downloading IE files for later use

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Could somebody re-post the instructions on how to download the IE files so that they can be saved and installed later.

I'm trying to create an installation point on the network for IE 5.5 SP2 but I can't for the life of me remember the command line.



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Had a look in the location listed above - can't see the option to just do a download, only download the iesetup.exe file.

Under Win2k of course you can't customise the installation at all.


The instructions from the old thread on doing this for IE 5.5 SP1 don't seem to work, the command line gives a syntax error.

Running iesetup.exe /? also doesn't seem to give any idea of a correct command line to use.


Anybody else have any ideas?

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i guess

ie5setup.exe /c:"ie5wzd.exe /d /s:" "#E"

worked for me,i mean the setup files are here,and i dont remember using any other cmnd

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Man, Microsoft is annoying...


This worked for me:


1. download the stupid web up[censored] app ie5setup as you have to do that even just to update IE 5.5 with SP2. The method described below used to work with some earleir IE versions (4.0?), thats why I decided to give it a try as MS apparently states that it is not possible to D/L the update as a separate package.


2. run the stupid piece of potential spyware (as a wise man said, "the question with Microsoft is not are you paranoid, but are you paranoid enough")


3. This created the directory (or just added the downloaded files) to the directory C:\Windows Update Setup Files. Copy this directory to another machine and start the ie5setup.exe that is included (again) regardless of where you D/L and started the original file from.


Maybe its a good idea to rename or delete the directory if you have it before you begin, that way it will only contain the IE 5.5 SP2 update files, in my case 8.6 Mb (update from 5.5 only).


This method will only work with the same Windows version. I've just tested it on two PC:s running W2K and it worked fine, altogh the installation as such had the usual bunch of Microsoft bugs.


A more exquisit way of doing it would perhaps be to download the distribution kit bloatware you'll find somehere at MS BS site where the most simplest necessities are moved around and redesigned almost daily, to no use.


Believe me, this whole circus is just one step ahead on MS strategy to have you pay rent per minute for using any of their products. They already charge for updates, W3.0-3.1-W95-W98-W98SE-Wme-W2k soon XP. Guess how many upgrade CD's I have ? And each version was supposed to be stable -pfuui.


So - two PC's updated and some steam let out...



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You could have searched, I remember posting this twice b4.

Anyway does not matter here it is.

KB Q257249


It works with 5.5 sp2 or all IE installations. But if you DL for all OS's it is about 60MB's



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