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Brian Frank

Overclocking under XP RC1...

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I'm just wondering how XP users have fared with oc'ing your cpu's, specifically Intel, but AMD is okay too.

I got the VP6 and 900MHz was the highest I got with my brand new CPU's. Of course I haven't tried everything yet, but I'd like to know if you guys have had to throttle it back from using Win2k to XP.

I'd heard something about XP being worse about overclocking, can't remember where I saw it tho...

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Yes ive had to roll back from a 1200 @ 1507 to 1400.

Thing is it kept throwing up all diff errors that i didnt manage to identify as a o clock problem. First it was throwing graphics errors at me then tapi spent an age getting it right. Well worth it though im prepared to take a perf hit for this much stability in an os that plays all my games well.

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Well, I can up the CPU bus up, and leave the ram at 133. Now I'm tormenting the cpu's with a looping cpu benchmark to keep both cpu's as close to 100% as possible and increasing the voltage as necessary.

So far 870MHz (145MHz bus) is running fine. CPU's haven't hit above 45C, 105F. I wuz probably doing something wrong the first time, but I wanted to see how everyone was doing, so I could see if it was just me or everyone else.

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Yes, I was doing it wrong. Had to play around with some settings, and it's running at 906MHz currently. Left the RAM at 133 and just used the controls for the FSB.

Nooowww I feel dumb ;(

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