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How do i create NT4 CD + Service Pack

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I noticed that there are instructions for creating a W2k Cd with Integrated Service Pack.

How do i make one for NT4 is it done the same way?

I have just downloaded SP6a 128HighEnc. for NT4 and want to use an exsisting original NT4 CD to copy to Hard Disk add Service Pack 6 and Recopy to a CD.


Oh is there any way of Integrating Internet Explorer 4.01 on to the CD aswell, to automatically install with the operating system?




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To quote a previous brilliant statement on this very topic:


"You can't. Give up now."




NT doesn't slipstream, at all, in any manner, shape, or form.

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It is possibile to replace individual files and even to replace the old compressed one with new compressed one but I wouldn't try it. For instance one of my Compaq servers crashed after applying the MS Securt Rollup package. I found out that it was the SCSIPORT.SYS...so I had to boot into DOS with my NTFS disks and replace the file with the ver from SP6a. To make a long story short. IT"S NOT WORTH IT!

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Ok thanks,

Yeah i know, some sh!t like that usually never works. But it wuld be cool if it could.


One of my friends has NT4 with Service Pack3 original from Miro$oft, how did they integrate the service pack?

... heck i guess they made the freakin OS so i suppose they can do what they want.


Anyway thanks for your feedback guys.


Cheers laugh

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