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Should i?

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hello, i could use some advise,i figuered this was the best place =)

i'm using win98se right now and i can't take the unreliability anymore,driving me nuts,i'm a avid gamer though,do games run fine in win 2k? i have a geforce 3,512 ram,asus 4x agp mobo,SB Live. the games i mostly run are Half life counter-strike,unreal tournament,quake 3,soldier of fortune,Tribes 2..any probs w/ these games? Thanks for any advise!!! smile

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Towards the upper right of the forums is a button labeled "search"....use it, it will show you miraculous things.


Also on the front page on the right hand side is a section labeled Compatibility...Notice the section called Games? Look in there, you will be suprised at how enlightened you will feel.



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i felt like i should give you a much more friendly answer than that EM-guy. jeezes this guy will scare new members away from the forum, if he doesn't have time to answer questions, then he shouldn't even bother typing those almost-insulting-lines. anyway, i'm a little sick of whiners: "blabla, go check this first, do more research before posting in forums, yada yada, this doesn't belong in this thread, moderators please move this topic!, bla yada yada".



To answer your question:



Your setup is very good (i'm assuming you got a fast cpu with that geforce 3) to run games in win2k (especially the RAM part, win2k uses a lot of ram for its basic services (140 MB is used here right now), so 256 is the minimum for games. And the geforce 3, i don't know any issues with win2k. Use the compatibility list on this site to determine if you games will run on win2k.


I can tell you Half life,unreal tournament,quake 3 and soldier of fortune work great. I don't have tribes, so i can't help you there.


Anyway, welcome to win2k and to this forum smile

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The only games that have caused a lot of hubub have been from EA, which seems to refuse to support Win2k.

I've heard something about Tribes being an issue, but I can't verify that. Same deal with SoF.

I found out something that has worked so far: if the box supports NT4 and 98, it should run under Win2k.

You can also check the NTCompatible database for even faster response too. Helped me before.

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Hey brian, what problem do you get wit SOF? 2 people told me they couldn't install the game, but here it has allways worked fine.

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I don't have it, but I thought I'd heard of some problems with it.

May want to check the Games section of the NTCompatible site, not the forums, too.

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in my opinion, Win9x doesn't have the ability to manage memory well if it's over 128mb, it just sucks bad and should have never been created, we all could have lived with NT.

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HL:CS, UT, q3, SOF, and Tribes 2 all work perfect on win2k for me. I'm running on a P3 600Mhz, Geforce2 GTS, 384MB of RAM, Sblive Value, and a old CRAP VIA Apollo Pro mobo from a compaq frown My Abit BE6-2 was hosed frown But everything works fine even on that POS.

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