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Dammaged fonts... annoying in the extreme

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Well it might not be damaged fonts but win2k (w/ sp2) is not loading all my fonts. the standard windows fonts. the fonts that windows uses instead are small and almost unledgible. This is the worst in IE. all the fonts are present in my c:\winnt\fonts\ folder. but when i go to view the fonts in a drag down bar like in wordpad or display properties only 1/2 or so of the fonts show. i have an up to date version of norton antivirus. any help would be appriciated! smile

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Sounds like a corrupted fonts folder.Without being sure if this is the problem, the only think i can think of that you can try is to download TweakUI for win2k from microsoft.TweakUI is a power tool that enables you to later many hidden windows settings.After you install it go to "Repair" tab and then select from the drop-down list "repair font folder".

This might do the trick.Otherwise if it is something really annoying (which i bet it is) try running win2k setup and choose repair current installation.

Good luck

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well i lost patience and went ahead and formatted. i know of tweakui but i didn't know it could repair fonts. thats a good suggestion and if it ever happens again (this is the second computer this has happened to) i will try that. thanks!

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