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Problems with ADSL + network-card :(

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I have a problem with my network-card and my ADSL-

connection und WinXP RC1 (german).


Ok, this is what happened:


I installed WinXP - and it configured everything, even my

DSL-Connection, perfectly. And it worked without any



Suddenly, it did not work anymore. I was able

to "connect" to my ISP, but whatever I tried to do (getting

emails, browsing the web), nothing was found - it seemed

that no data could be send or received.


The only solution to get it working again was to delete

the DSL-Dialup settings and re-install my network card.

Then it works again - but only one time! When I

disconnect, it doesn't work anymore, and I have to re-

install it again.


What's wrong here? Any TCP/IP Problem?

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You don't need dialup for DSL. All you should need to use the DSL is the network card installed with TCP/IP and whatever else MS installs as the default.


What are your settings, and what protocols do you have installed, sir?


It could also be that your ISP is having problems, you know.:(

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Ok, you're right - I forgot some things.


First of all, I use WinXP's build-in PPPoE protocol to connect to my ISP. I have to specify my loginname and password.


The strange thing is: when I reinstall my networkcard and create a new (well, lets call it so) dial-up (with my log&pass), it works perfectly - I can do anything I want in the internet.


Now to my problem - as soon as I close the connection (e.g. I turn of my computer, etc.), and I try to login again after a while, it "seems" to work ... it connect, checks my log and pass ...


But when I try to access a website, no one can be found. If I try to get new emails, no server can be found. I can't even PING something.


It only starts to work again if I delete my network-card with the hardware manager, re-install it and create a new dial-up ...


I really don't know why this happens. Is it a bug of RC1?


P.S. It's definetly no problem with my ISP, because it works without problems on Win2k SP2 ...

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Not really sure...you may want to file a bug report to MS and see about that. Everything sounds good, but I'm also not a networking god yet.

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I fixed the problem (more or less).


The cause of my problem seemed to be ZoneAlarm - I've deinstalled it, and the problems where gone.


Strange thing ...

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I haven't tried it, but there is a firewall in XP. Not sure how well it does the job though...

I've heard of current firewalls having problems with XP, such as Black Ice and ZA.

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that is right blackice gives problems under XP. But The adsl thing is strange i got also problems with my ADSL with BT connect.

I use and alcatell speed touch connected with an ethernet card, everything works under 2000 but under XP i got the error msg : "cannot find an ethernet adapter with a TCP stack"

and he won't connect at all it wont even see my modem, i installed the software that comes with the modem for a pppoE connection but it wont work ... any ideas anyone . ?

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I'm having the exact same problem.. Even if I load software , when I reboot..I can connect but I cannot access any web pages. I looked at all the options.. every is configured the way it should.. I restore to an earlier time and it works ok...if you guys find a solution..I'd sure like to hear it

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oops.. I saw the reply about zone alarm... THat could possibly be my problem also.. I'll check it and see. sorry for awny inconvience

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yep..that's what it was.. I had to uninstall zone alarm pro ad then restore it to a point before it was installed before the pc began to stablize...but it defanitely doesn't like zone alarm

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