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Voodoo and Windows Xp.

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I have read about that there is no support for 3dfx-drivers at W-Xp.

But do anyone think there is any possibility that someone makes drivers,

so the tools works, f.ex Tv-out? I mean, there is alot of people that

use 3dfx-cards, and some cards are still at sale. A Voodoo 5 5500

cost here in sweden about, $200.


And if Nvidia told MS to make Xp whithout drivers for 3dfx-cards,

i think it smells monopoly, but thats maybe why they bought 3dfx,

just to force people to buy new Nvidiacards and make more money??


Would be glad for an answer.


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Let's see. If Nvidia doesn't make money then they will be like 3dfx. They are out of business, if you have their card then you are out of luck unless a 3rd party releases drivers for them.

Then you will have to wait till you can get a newer card to upgrade to XP. Till then use Windows 2000 or ME or 98 or something.

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This has been gone over many a time. DO NOT BLAME NVIDIA/MICROSOFT for not supporting hardware that is NOT theirs. Geesh. Microsoft/Nvidia have NOT made ANY promises to any customers on ANY kind of support for ANY 3DFX card.


Microsoft has VERY strict WHQL guidelines to follow when approving drivers for their OS's. Obviously a year old driver would not qualify to be in their OS. So you want Nvidia/Microsoft to waste their time writing drivers for a card that even 3DFX doesn't support anymore??!!



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I agree with DosFreak. It's not nvidia's or MS fault. Nvidia has the technology rights, but that does not mean that they have to support it. It would be nice, as I've seen my Voodoo 3 3000 AGP run extremely well in Beta 2 of XP, but there's nothing that can be done. 3dfx had some good ideas but the competition blew it out of the water. In some benchmarks the GF2MX was equal to or on top of the V5. Let's see here, which one would you get?

Yes, no 3dfx support in XP sux, but that's life. I liked 3dfx, but I don't see the point of using there cards when I won't have future support any more.

It is not nvidia's responsability to clean up after 3dfx if they don't want to. 3dfx screwed themselves over by being late. I still remember when the V3 was arguably the best card out there. Now Nvidia is the best because they have good products and good support.

There's a thing called competition, and that's what happened here. If that's what is considered a monopoly, you should start alerting officials to start a bunch of lawsuits against everyone.

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Did 3dfx release good driver for the win2k when they were around?


btw, 3dfx didn't release any drivers for the STB products for win2k too.

I bought the STB DesktopTV Pro 1 day before the merge of 3dfx and stb. frown

and 3dfx didn't release win2k driver for it either. And so i can't watch TV after switching to win2k.

So i think this is the way the life is.

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Yes, the Win2k drivers were good as far as I can tell. There weren't a zillion of them, but I never had a problem running the drivers.

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You can get minimal support for Voodoo 3/4/5 cards by downloading the drivers from the Windows Update site. They are not full featured, and Open GL/Glide support in them is almost non-existant. But they do allow you to continue using the Voodoo cards until you get a replacement. For just normal computing, they work great. But if you're a gamer, don't expect much from them.


Several groups have stated that they are working on Voodoo drivers for Windows XP. As to whether they will ever actually materialize, who knows. I'm sure a bunch of the claims are pipe dreams. But they may become available.

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Well, at least I sold my Voodoo 4 and got a GF2MX instead, but I'm still hanging onto my Voodoo 3 3000 AGP. Good card, just support is gone...a bit of a problem, y'know.cool

Nvidia is the best choice for gaming. I'm not convinced ATI knows how to write good drivers to use under the NT code yet. They're driver's were awful for the Radeon, and that is unacceptable to me. ATI needs to work on their drivers seriously before I will buy them again.

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I just bought a Voodoo3 3000 AGP and a 10GB hdd from a friend of mine (here, he's Fake McCoy if memory serves me correctly).


Same price as a GF2MX200 w/ TV out.


It's fine for me, since it's going in a Win2K Server/Linux box.


you want your voodoo to live on? Go Linux.

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VOODOO IS BEAT....face it and shut up. **** happens, move on.

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