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XP Style of 'My Computer'

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Hello there.


I have a question about icon (or devices) organisation in my computer.


When I installed my Windows XP RC2, devices in my computer were organized by device type - I mean in the first line there was shared folders, in second line was all my hard disks (non-removable devices) in third line I think there was all removable devices and in the last line all the scanners and digital cameras...

Every type of devices were separated by the line showing devices type and so on...


But now - I don't know how - My Computer is organized like in Windows 2000...


Does anyone know how to bring the XP style of My Computer back?



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make sure that it the show in groups setting is checked when you right click and have arrange icons by...

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Thanks! smile


That was it...

Right click/Arrange Icons By/Type and

Right clicl/Arrange Icons By/Show in Groups


Nice.. smile

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