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New SB Live driver for XP

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I went to Windows Update and there was a new driver for SBLive. It downloaded, but would never install. Plus,after this and a reboot I could log on my DSL account, but I couldn't access any web sites. Another reboot, no help. I did a system restore..rebooted and got message saying it could not be restored to an earlier date. I was able to get web sites after this.

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You know with 2600 I still get the same msg"could not be restored to an earlier date"

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I'm having a little trouble with my SBLive card also. I've tried a couple of fixes, posted earlier here and on another board with partial success. Anyway, I get the default sound when XP is booting up, and I can play MP3s with WMP, but no other applications create any sound. Any advice here? I've tried the previous drivers and the new one on Windows update also.


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for everyone that is having problems with their soundblaster card driver, sound and applications and Windows XP, go to Wxperience.com and under the device driver section look for Creative Labs Soundblaster 5.1 Fix for XP and follow the instructions. I did it and everything is working, except the creative launcher bar (Which I dont need). I have sound in the 4 speakers and all applications included with liveware 3 for W2K work just fine. I am using Windows XP build 2526 and a soundblaster live value (It also worked with Live! MP3+5.1)

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if anybody is intereste in the file to fix the soundblaster problem send me an e-mail and I will send it to you. the file measures 2.2 MB

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FatFish: are u sure the drivers are actually installed, because mine downloaded fine and said they installed fine but when I checked the version number in system properties it hadnt installed the new versions!


Is there a link where we can get these new drivers from?



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ah... i didn't check if its using the new driver, it just says its installed correctly... so what's the new file version number supposed to be?

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i think the new version is 2400 or something like that, the old version is 2535.



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i guess i don't have the new one then..

but in the file detail, all the version number are different for each file.. maybe the new driver is just a new inf file or something.. dunno.. no idea... just a thought

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but does this method fix the 4 speaker support for the SBLIVE and WINXP? I cant try it anymore because I uninstalled WinXP, and am using WIN2K again. I want to make sure that problem is fixed before I install WinXP RTM.

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No, it hasn't fixed the problem. For some reason, the only outputs I have working on my card are the digital out and the front speakers. So I just plug the rear speakers into the digital out. smile

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i tried this fix... and i just can't get it to work. sounds like my setup is just like yours. what did you do? anything different that you encountered that the steps did not cover? or anybody else for that matter? i am using 2600.

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I just followed the instructions on the fix (substituting files as indicating and instaling the liveware 3.0 for windows 2000) now every is working. I have sound in the 4 speakers when I play music, cds, games etc. and all liveware applications are working.

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Hmm, perhaps I'll just have to try again.


Were you prompted for certain files during the setup? (eg. some of the files you deleted before the setup like ksuser.dll?)

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This is exactly what I did:


1. Deleted Sound Blaster live! (WDM) and Game Port for SB Live! from

the device manager.

2. Deleted the following files:

from the System32 Folder:




from the Drivers Directory in the System32 folder:









3. Renamed Driver.cab in the Driver Cache folder in the Windows

directory to Driver.cab.bak

4. Rebooted windows.

5. Installed Liveware 3.0 for Windows 2000, which I had previously

downloaded from the creative site and copied to my hard drive.

(it will install drivers and applications, I did a custom

installation leaving out the creative launcher that does not


after it finished the instalation I did NOT REBOOT and copied the

files included in the fix, I did NOT SUBSTITUTE ANY FILE, the

ones that were already ther I just skiped.

6. Rebooted windows and renamed Driver.cab.bak back to driver.cab

and now everything is working excellent!!!

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You're a good man. I was hoping for an explanation like that, but never expected one.


You have just moved up on my list. :-)


Strange though, during my setup of liveware, it asks me for ksuser.dll and ks.sys (or something like this).. and i am forced to browse the "fixed" folder for these files. If i do not, setup hangs forever.


NEways, i'll try do do exactly what you said tonight and I'll let you know how it goes.


Thanks again

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Welp, after my most recent attempt... Windows XP starts up, but before it's completely done booting, the computer just up-n restarts... all by itself out of the clear blue Oye.

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Using the fix by j_sklar was successful, however I had some issues to address during the 'install' of the fix. I thought I'd share them with you.


1. Make sure you do not have the Windows XP CD in any drives.

2. When asked for the XP CD choose 'Cancel' and 'Yes - use unverified files.

3. Make sure you are not connected to the internet at any time during the process.

4. Once you have done the final reboot and completed the process, choose to update the SBLIVE/SBLIVE VALUE (WDM) driver, and let it download the latest one off the internet by choosing 'specify location' and unticking 'media locations/browse'.


Hope this helps.

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