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New Kyro & PowerVR FAQ

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Paraknowya has updated their Kyro & PowerVR FAQ to version 2.2


The English FAQ is now on version 2.2. I would like to say thanks to all the people who did the translations. We now have translations in German, Korean and Spanish. Most of the translations are still based on FAQ 2.1 but they will be updated as soon as possible.


New to FAQ 2.2 are the questions


I have problems with a missing cursor on the desktop. Help? New

I have problems with blinking icons, can you help? New

The Villagemark Benchmark Scores for non-KYRO boards are very low, did you specifically code the benchmark to produce low results on competitors products? New

NVIDIA´s GeForce3 supports Early-Z to reduce the impact of overdraw, yet it is still considerably slower than a KYRO board. Is the scene sorted back-to-front to remove/reduce the advantage that Early-Z might bring? New

I can´t see the menus in the Aliens vs Predator 2 demo. Why? New


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