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Partition Magic 6...$50 UPGRD for XP support

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HMM... I just bought Partition Magic 6, and now I have found out that they want me to pay $50 for an upgrade to 7 so it can "support" windows xp filesystem. WTF? I want a free upgrade cause I am a Liberal consumer and I have Ralph Nader to distroy your business if you don't agree! KIDDING... but really, this if freaking lame that I have to pay $50 to upgrade so I can use this program in Windows XP. What are you guys going to do? Any ideas? I doubt compatibility mode is a safe thing to run this program in. And I doubt they will take a refund... any ideas guys? Thanks

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Well, see if they offer a refund for owners of PM6 or earlier. If not, I'd sell PM6 and buy 7. $50 is a lot for an upgrade.

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Find it on an FTP somewhere. You BOUGHT 6, and you can download 7, which is you free upgrade. Of course thats just a false justification, so take it or leave it =)

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