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IE 5.5 or IE 6.0 ?

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I soon will install Windows2000.

Ive read about the many security bugs of IE 5.5 and now i am unsure about a few things.


- Does IE 6.0 still have those bugs and needs to be patched or does IE 6.0 have all those patches built in ?


- Do those SPS Packages for IE 5.5 fix those bugs or do i still have to apply the patches ?


- Does someone have a good website which lists all the important security bugs of IE 5.5 ?



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Considering IE6 is still in beta (although it's pretty much done). It's still pretty new. Go with IE 5.5 SP2. That's been out for awhile...and you can always upgrade to IE6 later!

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Get SP2, you don't need SP1, as SP2 contains what SP1 had and then some; IE 6 in beta right now, so it's up to you.

You may want to steer clear of IE 5.5 service Pack 2 (for IE only, not Win2k--they're totally different) if you are a big Quicktime fan.

If you do, go to Apple's website and they have a fix for you.


This is from my point of view, so don't take it as the end authority.

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Yeah, Apple has patched quicktime so it now works with both IE 5.5sp2 and IE 6.


If IE 6 has not been released by the time you install Windows 2000 I'd suggest installing IE 5.5sp2. IE 6 has some interesting features, but there really isn't a great deal of difference between the two.

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i had problems with ie 6, but speed wise the two are the same. stick with the latest and wait for 6 to get the makeover.

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