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Can some one answer this question?


When you log into a site, ie: yahoosports and you sign up for a user name and password, windows comes up with a pop up box asking you if you would like windows to remember the password and in my case I tend to say yes. Now the question is where does windows store these passwords ? If I go up to the cottage and want to log into some sites I need the PW but since I always put in different addresses and names for seperate sites I can never answer the damn questions to retrieve my PW. I know what your going to say ; that I should write these things down but I dont', didn't and probably never will so , here I am. There must be a directory or file that stres all the PW so does anyone know where.


Thank you in advance



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Nemesis thanks for the reply. I was hoping to get a file that opens reveiling the username and password in like a text file. Again I was up at the cottage this past weekend and couldn't acsess my account from there so I couldn't change my sports picks . It ended up ok stilled tied for 1st in our group. Anyways if anyone else can help that would be great.


Thanks in advance



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