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Setting refresh rate above 60Hz in Opengl?

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Yes, how is this possible? In w2k I can do it with nvreffix or by regedt32 but nvreffix doesn't support WinXP yet and it's no longer possible with regedt32. I have to boot to w2k to play opengl games with >60Hz.


Thanks in advance.



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the nvreffix does work

try runnin it in win2k compatability


found by right clickin the shortcut

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I can't seem to change refresh rate with Powerstrip. The resolution is changed too and when I start for example Half-Life, the´refresh rate is still the annoying 60. Yes, nvreffix starts and acts normally but it doesn't change the refresh rate. Here's what it says on the nvreffix homepage:


"ATTENTION Windows XP (Whistler) users: Currently, WinXP support is disabled due to issues with the program incorrectly detecting the hardware. WinXP support will be re-enabled in the next version of the program."


Help me ! wink

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Well, my graphics adapter manufacturer has provided fine drivers for xp, therefore i currently don't use powerstrip, but i used it under xp for Quake III Arena (openGL).

You have to create a "display profile" for the resolution, color depth etc. you play the openGL game with. In that profile you can set the screen refresh rate under "advanced timing options". If that is not enough you can check "brute force standard refresh rates" in the "display profile".

I'm not sure whether this works with your hardware, but for me it worked pretty good.


Good luck smile

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yes i have read that on the home page

but took no notice off it

and it worked perfect for me

i have used it on a geforce 2 mx

and geforce 2 pro


amd and intel

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I tried the nvreffix again and it worked. Now I can finally play CS with 100Hz (800x600) laugh Thx for the posts.

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