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Gambler FEX online

Exit quake3: freeze

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Most of the times I exit quake 3, the systems hardlocks, without even a bsod so I cant see whats causing it.


It started in RC1 and is still there in RTM (2600 pro eval). I have a geforce 2 gladiac and have tested most of the latest drivers, including 14.70.


Anyone else had this problem? Where can I report it to nvidia?

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i had the exact same problem until i put my agp to 2x instead of 4x!

try it.

it even runs gfaster now!




btw i am using the 14.10 whql drivers.

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i just did a fresh install of winxp 2600.


with agp2x it is back to crashing after i leave an opengl game or app again.


BUT, when i enabled via agp4x in windows using nvmax, then disabled agp 4x again it now works.


strange, i have to enable via agp4x then disable via agp4x. then it works just peachy.


hope this helps...


also, don't overclock your vid card much; it seems to lock up much more when overclocked at all ambitiously.


right now my geforce 3 is at 210/520 and that seems happy.

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Ok, I tried agp 1x 2x 4x and booted into 4x then set it back to 2x still freeze.


heres my hardware:

Asus P2B-DS

2x P3 800@824

elsa gladiac geforce 2 (tvout dont work in win2k/XP grrr)

256MB RAm (GTXP cant have any more than 256 grrr)

GameTheater xp (buggy drivers using the card as 2channel)

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those freezes disapear most likely on AMD-systems if you install the latest (Xp-compatible) release of VIA 4in1 (4.33)..

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i just installed the 12.41 or whaever drivers from Nvidia.com and now it does NOT freeze any more and it works nicly smile

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i reinstalled windows 2000.

now everything works perfect again.

agp 4x even works now...


i kinda like XP too... oh well.

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the prob has to do with your bios settings (especially the AGP 2X thing)


If it is not yet at 2X set it to 2X

If it already is set it to 4X , reinstall the driver and then flip it back to 2X


This worked for me

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i already did that...


it helped a little...

made it so it only crashed 60% of the time...


just going back to 2k worked better.


xp and geforce 3 are both too new.

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No freezes at all and works like a charm with WinXP Pro verison with my Humble Diamond TNT2 Ultra..(use Det 6.5 driver)

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i've had this problem in XP for as long as i can remember.. i'd say it only happens about 5% of the time for me though, (i play q3 multiple times a day however). not sure what to tell you, i wish i knew a fix to.. never happened in w2k but has been happening in xp since way back before beta2. i really doubt its the drivers since it doesn't happen under w2k.. and i'm stuck on agp 2x as well so thats not it.


driver: 21.80 (does it on any version)

geforce 2 32mb

winxp pro 2600

abit bx6_rev2 latest bios

celeron II

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My Q3 does this to but only rarely..


On dets 21.83 not tried the new dets yet 23.11 they fix this ?

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