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3dfx - VoodooTV FM

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Can any one show me where i can get drivers for Win2000 for the 3dfx - VoodooTV FM



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Cool, THX's for the link.


Anyone know what order/which files i need to install, what order etc.

I don't want to screw it up?



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order? what do you mean?

there are only 2 files that you need from that link.


1 is for the driver

and 1 is for the visualreality (the program that let you watch tv)


download them, install the driver, then install VR.

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Greetings. Considering that the FTP link in the message for where the drivers are, is no longer functioning, .. is there ANYONE who could be so kind as to forward those drivers in my general direction? Or at least where I can currently obtain them?


Thank you so much.


Tek Junkie



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