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XP no boot, bad file, SYSTEMd?

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i run a triboot of NT/2K/XP and yesterday i found a tip for installing the recovery console as a boot option from the 2000 install disk thought all went well now have a choice at the nt boot loader ok cool



today i went to boot into XP and get this error at the "windows is starting" screan (black with white bar that progresses) :



Windows 2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

\Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEMd startup options for windows 2000 press F8.

You Can attempt to repair this file by starting windows 2000 setup using the original setup Floppy, or CD-ROM.

Select R at the First Screen to start repair.


and shure enuf i go to H:\Windows\System32\Config and there is no SYSTEMd there is a system file thow


i can still get into 2000 and i asume nt also so pasting a file is no prob, but is that what is wrong here? is not what is? if so where to get file ?


still have win xp cd are there recovery options on that disk?


any info would be helpful havent tried anything yet as i do not under stand the problem and do not waht to make it worse


Thank You for your time

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update w/more info

[realy long "bump"]

today tried the recovery console from the win xp setup cd. it apears that there is nothing i can do without a emergency repair disk. got one for the win 2000 install never got arround to making one for xp


anyways i tried safe mode again and this time the ifle was Windows\System32\Config\SYSTEM (note not SYSTEMd) ?there is a 3.25MB file there named system when opened in note pad it looks like a bunch of junk as it should


wile searching the web i found someonr saying in win NT there is a second system file there named system.alt. and u can rename this system and al will be good i looked in xp and this file was not there there is a system.sav althow it if just a few k and not 3.25mb anyways during the safe mode atempt the 2 last files it looked for before giving the error were system and system.alt. in the same location windows 2000 has a system.alt and both files are 3.75mb same same a backup so iether xp is less redundant or i lost my alt and courupted the main at the same time



would one of u XP guys/gals look in XPDRIVE:\windows\system32\config and see if u have a system.alt


my last resot is to rename the system.sav system eaven thow it is so much lighter it may have enuf infor to start xp



any of u realy smart guys here have any ideas before i resort to format H: frown

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would one of u XP guys/gals look in XPDRIVE:\windows\system32\config and see if u have a system.alt

nope, system.alt is not there

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