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Error accessing registry, EVERY DAMN BOOT!

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I get this stupid *** message windows had an error accessing the registry error or something every damn time it boots. I have to let it restore the registry and it restores defaults again! This is pissing me off cause once I install something it isnt there aynmore except the files. WTF!


I think I may have bad memory, and or a damaged hard disk. How do I resolve this?

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??? I dont have WinME. IT SUCKS WORSE THAN Win98!


And I have to have win98... I have win2k dual boot too but I have a few programs and such i must use in win98... so this prob needs to be fixed... i have a preminition it is the HD... anyone got any ideas how to check?

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I was going by your sig line, that's why I thought it was ME.


If you think yer hdd is the culprit, you may want to check if Western Digital or whatever drive is the problem, has a diagnostic utility.

I know Maxtor has one, but it's safe to say you should use it on Maxtor drives.

I can't say for certain that WD has a diagnostic tool, but it wouldn't hurt to look on that floppy disk that came with the drive or look on their site.

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theres a quantum drive and a fugitsu.... pieces of sh1t... although the problem seemed to fade away now... i formated both drives completely, that may have fixed it. we'll see.

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Just like you said, gives you an error about a problem with the registry and it wants to restore a backup, then it reboots and the same error comes up, just won't go away.

We had users simply move the error window off the screen and all was well. We tried everything, the only way to fix it was to format and re-install. We are still not sure what caused it, but it did start when we implemented a Logon Policy from our BDC. Out of 4 almost identically setup PC's, 2 of them did this. Crazy ****, drives my nuts sometimes...

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