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Black Lotus

how to fix refresh rate bug in win xp

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i have found a lot of boards where users asked how to change the refresh rate for open GL based games in windows xp. This bug is a "relict" of win2k and microsoft hasnt fixed it yet. Well, here u are:


1. Leech, install and start PowerStrip 3.x or better

2. Rightclick PS icon in systray and choose Display profiles -> Configure...

3. Click "Advanced Timing Options"

4. Click "Custom Resolutions"

5. On the Left side choose "user defined" and set up the resolution and refreh rate

you want to use. Then click "Add new resolution".

6. Answer the following message boxes with yes.

7. Now in "Display profiles" menu the custom resolution should be available.

8. Make sure that you keep powerstrip running. if you dont, windows

will manage the resolution and refresh rate itself and thats exactly what we dont want.

9. Now you can play games with rates higher than 60Hz.


p.s.: for some nvidia graphic boards, u can also "fix" this bug by editing the registry, for more detailed information visit: http://www.speedy3d.com/articles/nvidia_rrfix/index.shtml


have phun with the best win ever!!!

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for those of you who want a simpler approach,

-get the NV Refreshrate Fix,

-run the setup, and it'll complain that its only made for windows 2000 build 2195 at the latest,

-right click on the shortcut the program creates, and go to compatability,

-enable the compatability tickbox and select windows 2000


it'll pick up your hardware appropriately, and function as it would in windows 2000

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I edit nv4_disp.inf from the drivers and it works great. That way I dont have to edit the registry every time I install win2k/xp


Just remove the HZ you dont use, and leave the ones you do.

At the bottom you can find what card has which alias

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yeah, all of u guys r right, i have found another way myself now. i leeched a version of the win2k refresh rate fix that WORKS. i hadnt even to run it in win2k compatibility mode, it just worked! But, in fact this little fix doesnt do anything else than waddy did (remember speedy3d.com: editing registry keys).

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