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Linux boot loader removed for Win2k

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I am currently dual-booting Windows 2000 and Mandrake Linux 8.0 using the Graphical Grub as the boot loading. I need to free up some space on this laptop so I am going to scrap Linux but need to know how to remove Linux and its boot-loader so that just Windows 2000 boots. I know I can just delete the Linux partitions but not sure how to save Windows 2000 without reinstalling. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Boot off the Win2k CD and run the repair option. If you have the ERD, use it and type "fixboot" (no quotes), if not follow the steps and have it do a fast repair. It should fix your boot loader to Win2k's.

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i've tried this with redhat 7.0 so i could get rid of the LILO boot loader, but it doesn't work. i assume that u have installed ur boot loader to the MBR, all you have to do is put in a boot disk and when you are at the dos prompt type:


fdisk /mbr


this will remove the boot loader and you will boot straight into win2k. use disk administrator to remove those linux partitions or you can use fdisk and choose to delete non-dos partitions.


this will work if you have win2k installed in your primary partition (C:\) if not use fdisk /mbr and after that check if u can boot straight into win2k otherwise do what Mr Frank had suggested.

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The best ans easiest way to remove the Linux partition is to have a win98 boot disk, hehehe I'm serious!

Boot without the option to load the CD-Drivers, in the prompt run fdisk, just follow the menus on how to delete the NON-DOS partitions.

after that go to the prompt, type fdisk /MBR, this will remove the linux boot loader.

The problem is.... you will have 2 partition rihgt now, it you want to merge these partitions you can use PartitionMagic...

I don't know if the Disk Manager of Win2K does this type of function(merge partitions)....


I personaly do not like partition magic.... use just as a last option....



PS: Why take linux out of your box? Linux is GREAT!!!

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I dunno about that. I'm starting to believe the statement "Linux is free only if your time is worthless." I'm going to try out FreeBSD as soon as I get some free time.

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Actually all fixboot does is fix your boot.ini file. If your looking to fix your mbr then in the recovery console type fixmbr. Then fixboot if you need it but you probably wont if you only have linux and win2k. This will overwrite the linux mbr with the win2k mbr. Btw if your just installing linux for experiementation what you can do is choose to install to the root of the drive and not the mbr and use a boot manager like bootmagic. This way when your done with linux ( or win2k ) you can just scrap the drive. Also dont install linux on an extended partition if possible. ( Assuming you dont have windows 9x ). This will make less headache.

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