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Windows 2000 Server and IIS/FTP woes

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I'm running Win2k Server on a cable modem and want to run an FTP server. It all runs fine. EXCEPT, users have to disable passive mode in order to send/receive data, otherwise a "Data Socket Error" occurs.


I'm running the default settings except I require authentication.

Is there a setting or anything that I need to set differently?


I am using a Linksys Router with the correct ports forwarded.

Let me know if you need any more info to help me.




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Are you using just basic Win2k authentication?


I have one setup on my cable modem also. Only difference is, I use Sygate to share my connection. Mine runs fine.

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They have to "disable" or "enable" passive mode? Generally, you don't want to "enable" passive (PASV) mode on the client because it is a bit slower to authenticate and establish the connection, but it is needed when the client cannot actively negotiate additional ports to transfer data. FTP uses more than just ports 20/21 to function, and that is where the problem lies; the user and/or server may be behind a firewall that is restricting access.

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