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Overclocking the 1.4GHz Athlon

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PC Stats has posted a new article "Overclocking the 1.4GHz Athlon"


Yes, I´ve learned my lesson, NO MORE SHIM´S for me! I´ve also decided to retire my old Global Win FOP-38 (with the terrible clip) and replaced it with Thermaltake´s Dragon Orb 3. It´s more of a sidegrade then an upgrade since the Dragon Orb isn´t much better in terms of cooling but it´s got a much more "user friendly" clip and a copper base.


My old 1.4 GHz chip topped out at around 1.65 GHz, which wasn´t really too bad, I was rather disappointed that it didn´t hit 1.7 GHz. Well, actually, I wanted 1725. Is that too much to ask? A meesly 325 MHz overclock? After all, being spoiled with my old 1 GHz T-Bird that would do 1.5, I guess it inflated my expectations a little bit. Anyway, back to the present, I was brimming with new found hope, but unfortunately this chip let me down too. AYHJAR with 3rd line Y, and the highest I could get was 1620 MHz!!! What´s with all the rumors going around that the AYHJAR´s doing 1.7-1.8 GHz? Was I doing something wrong? Up´ed the Vcore to 1.85, using a Swiftech MC462-A with my idling temps around 34 and full load at around 41, what´s going on?


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