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Arkos Reed

Burning/SCSI/Antivirus Advices for WinXP Users

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if when using Nero to burn you have repeated buffer underruns (with burners not supporting BurnProof/JustLink), make sure you install the Adaptec ASPI driver 4.60 build 1021 or later. The build 1017 and earlier versions have a bug that make Nero's ram buffer feature gobble up ALL your ram.


The build 1021 also corrects a SCSI bus timeout error with Adaptec 29160 cards (other models untested) wich forces the SCSI card to reset the bus when stressed a bit too much




Reported Working Burning applications :


Nero and later

CDRWin 3.8d and Later

Padus DiscJuggler 3.000 and Later

CloneCD and Later




Reported Working Antivirus applications :


Norton Antivirus 2002 8.0

Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition 7.6


Reported NON WORKING Antivirus applications :


Antiviral Toolkit Pro (ALL Versions) : Locks filesystem access to user processes

Anti Virus Expert (All Versions) : same symptoms




Reported Working Firewall applications


Norton Personal Firewall 2002 v4.0 (a pain in the *** - worst interface ever - but working fine)

ZoneAlarm Pro v2.6.231


Reported NON WORKING Firewall applications :


All other Norton Firewalls due to an incompatibility with the PPPoE protocol installed on XP




Have fun guys smile

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Norton AV 7.51 Corporate works fine under XP too. Just have to install sevinst.exe from the symantec website.

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I thought Nero was using its own ASPI layer.

so does it realy matter if you have an older version of adaptec ASPI driver?

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yes and no. Nero is retarded, i have found better performance using it when using an installed ASPI layer and have found worse performance when not using one. It is supposed to use internal ASPI but having an external one installed causes me less problems so i just use 4.16.1021 of adaptec's ASPI layer.

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