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Trying to add 2nd IBM 60GXP - strange problem!!

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Strange problem with adding a second IBM 60GXP to my system as a slave.


Motherboard is ASUS P3B-F using a Promise Ultra 66 Controller. First 60GXP works fine, however if I add the 2nd one to the 2nd channel of the Promise Windows 2000 SP2 gets part way through booting (task bar, system tray, etc) then just stops - have to power down. Management console sometimes reports about old/out-of-date bios on Promise, sometimes not - either way have tried old and new bios's with same effect.


If I put the second drive on the motherboards IDE channel I can boot, or if I put it on the second connector to the current drive it works (although the Promise bios warns of reduced performance)


I tried with an old 75GXP and same thing happens there too. I can get into Windows safe mode with no problem, access drive, etc but Windows proper won't have it.


Any ideas?

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Thanks Wolf but I'm not setting up a Raid system, just want 2 separate drives. I actually want the second one for storing Ghost backups rather than using my Dat drive. As such, connecting to the DMA33 channel on my motherboard is sufficient but it's annoying me why I can't connect both to my Promise - I have had 2 Maxtor DM+40's in the past with no problem.

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