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Removing hidden programs

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Well this is the updated version of the Win2k question.


Remember how you could delete hidden stuff by removing "hide" and "hidden" from c:\winnt\inf\sysoc.inf?


Well how do I do the same thing within XP as I wanna blow Outlook Express and accessability away.




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I've alrady used the sysoc.inf method but have been unable to uninstall Outlook Express and I REALLY want to uninstall outlook Express

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if it doesnt show up like that then you will have to kill it manually by booting into safe mode and deleting the Outlook Express directory. We all know how MS is very competative and lets people install the browser of their choice on MS systems.

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maybe i dont get it:


i opened sysoc.inf in c:\windows\inf


i removed all "hide"'s


i rebooted my pc




where do msn messanger and all the other progs show up now, so that i can de-install them? there are not in remove-software-menu.


would you please help me? smile

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