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Internet Connection Sharing

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I am new here, but I was wondering if you all could help. I used a cross over cable to network two boxes both running win 2000. One box has a connection to a cable modem. I would like to share taht connection with the other box but i cant get the sharing to work. I have tried with a static IP on both boxes over the in house network, I have tried with autodetect settings on both boxes, I have tried with static on one box and static on the other, and vice versa, and still nothing seems to work. The second box has not had any of the win2k service packs installed. If anyone could help I would be very appreciative. Thanks.

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can the machines ping each other?

Did you enable the internet connection sharing on the machines that us connecting to the cable modem?


Once you have enabled the ICS, set the other machine to get IP address automatically.


if you get the cable disconnected error, set one of the machine to 10Mbps or 100Mbps.

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First of all, you have to have 2 network cards in the PC connected to the Cable modem. You didn't say, but I think you do. You hard code your internal LAN NIC on the cable modem PC to something like, you can leave your other PC on DHCP, it should get an address from your ICS when its working. But for troubleshooting, I would hard code your second PC as well, use, your Subnet should automatically be set to, which is correct. Make sure they access each other in Network Neighbourhood and stuff. Once you know all works fine between them, then share your Internet connection. When you do this, your internal LAN NIC's IP address will be re-assigned to, so don't hard code this address anywhere or it will complain. If you were successfull in enabling ICS without any errors, you should put your second PC back to DHCP. Reboot or do an IPCONFIG /release then /renew. You should have pulled the required addressing from you ICS PC. Your gateway and DNS should both read, your IP will be anything in the 192.168.0.xxx range, this should be all you have to do. Win2k ICS works like a charm compared to WIN98, were you can't even received files through ICQ without disabling it in 98. I've set this up many times for people without issues. I'm suprised your having problems...

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You hard code your internal LAN NIC on the cable modem PC to something like,

i think it should be
if you use, you have to change the other computer's gateway to be too

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I have tried all of that and it still didn't work, so I bought a hub. Both PC's are hooked up and can see each other, but the pc that was having problems before still cannot access the net while the other can. Both boxes are set up for dhcp, so i have no idea what the problem is.

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