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Need your valued input on an A level project.

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OK, I am currently writing a program for my A level project in computing. The program I have decided to write is based around a 'build your own PC' system. The main idea is that the user will download a program, which is accompanied by all data concerning computer components. The user will then be able to flick through pages of this program and build up a full system designed to their tastes. At the end of it all, the system config is collected up, along with the total proce, and is plaed into a file which can be automatically sent to the PC manufacturer for them to build etc.

This program will be designed to be updated from the internet (or from file for the closed system that I will be using) so that stock lists can be kept up to date and prices can be kept up to date also. There will also be space for adding other components.

If I have the time, i shall also build in two sections for varying levels of the customer, e.g. one section for the hardware techie (detailed build up of all components), and one for the average user (basic system based on requirements).



What I would like is input as to what sort of things you would like to see in this sort of program. Bear in mind that it has to be written in Visual Basic, so no real web-based things can be used. I am designing it to be downloaded to the home and run from there (easier for me).


Some questions you may consider are:

Would you use a system like this?

Do you think other people would like this sort of flexibility?

Do you prefer to buy individual components and build yourself, or do you prefer for it to arrive ready and able?

Do you think this is the way forward in PC selection?


Feel free to comment/add anything that you would like to see (within reason, of course), and anything you say will be of great use to me. Simply asking on the internet proves some competence smile

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good for a project, although you have to keep in mind and i'll use this example: I have a rather large A+ Cert. book in excess of 1000 pages, it was very expensive a few years ago, the only thing is...now half of the stuff is so old it reminds me of a 286 sitting out in the woods behind my house. So as a consumer app that would help a person build a PC, it would require a lot of support and quite a few updates once and awhile. other than that, i see no problem with it and i think its a good idea.

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indeed, but do remember that it is only for a short project for my A levels. A simple mention of the above fact will be enough information for the requirements.

Any ideas that you think I should include.

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