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Shutdown problem

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I got the same problem after activating Advance powermanagement support as it sayd it would work on my computer.


I think one needs to change something in the Bios to make it Shut down automaticly.


I havent checked my settings yet, but I will soon

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there is no differnce between that version and the devilsown version. The crcs are the same, just some stupid group trying to take the spotlight away from Devils0wn

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When I select shutdown; my pc restarts and doesnt shutdown.




I also got that same problem after installing Easy CD Creator 5.
I've uninstalled it, and everything works fine again...


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Hmm...weird. I have Easy CD Creator 5 installed and I don't have the shutdown problem. May be a combination of Easy CD Creator 5 and whatever program you have installed on your computer? I used to have a shutdown problem too. Whenever I try to shutdown, my computer will restart instead. I don't know what caused it but I just reinstalled Windows XP.

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