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fan acts funny

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ok i have one 120mm fan hooked up and it starts running normal then dies down then go to normal and it does this over and over

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Hooked up to motherboard header? If so, temperature controlled?



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You know the most humorous thing about computers is that a majority of the time there is a hardware problem it can be attributed to fans - the simplest working part of a computer. Who would have thought that we could come so far, put millions of transistors on a square inch, and everything comes crashing down without the almighty fan.

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well, my 2c...

Have you tried another fan ? Sounds like a bad electrical connection somewhere. If its hooked up to a molex connector it should just run. I wouldn't start buy buying a new PSU to see if the fan is OK but the other way around.

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you gotta think, if you got a hard drive, cdrom, floppy, mobo, AMD cpu, cpu fan, geforce2mx card and other things running off of it, it's gonna drain a 250w-350w PSU kinda quick, the reason it seems like it slows down is because of hard disk/cdrom activity pulling power from the PSU and taking it away from the fan, i had this problem when i only had one 300w PSU, after i added a second 250w one it stopped.

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Does its spinning up and down coincide with the activity of the machine, such as a power drain, or is it making a rubbing sound like a bad bearing?

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