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Screen Positions????

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Bit of a strange one, this


I have a dual boot: Win me (Drive C), Win 2000 (Drive D) and both OS's screens are in the same position without me having to adjust the screen left or right when I boot between one and the other.


However, before I went to Win me, I had Win 98 (First edition) and the screen positions between Win 98 and Win 2000 were different???


Now, I want to go back to Win 98 (Second Edition this time!) So, my question is:


Is Windows 98 Second Edition's screen in the same position as Windows 2000? I know it's the same in Win me, and not the same in Win 98 First Edition.


Hope you can follow that, and thanks in advance for any help. smile

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Generally, that behavior is due to the difference in video drivers amongst the OS platforms. What video card are you using? Is there a version for Win2K and Win9X that has the same version number? Try using the newest drivers for both operating systems and see if that alleviates the issue.

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No! no! no!


It's nothing to do with video drivers, I've always used the same video card (and drivers) throughout all the changes listed above.


It's definitely the Os's job


I need someone who has a Win 98 SE, Win 2000 Dual boot system..........Cos they'll know

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Funny, since I used to dual boot both OSs, and I had the same issue that you mentioned until I upgraded my drivers (normally the timings are hardware dependent, but for some odd reason the video card wouldn't sync the same in both OSs until I got the newer drivers).

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make sure that both os's are running at the same refresh rate - I would bet that's what's causing the discrepancy

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Well, thanks for your help guys.


I've done the install of Second Edition and yes, they are both in the same position.........


Thing is, this really has nothing to do with drivers, refresh rate or the video card used!!!! It is purely the job of the Os!


Win 98 (1st Ed) screen IS NOT IN THE SAME POSITION OF WIN 2K!!!!........Regardless of refresh rate or drivers used.


Win 98 (2nd Ed) and Win Me's screen IS in the same position as Win 2K.


So there you go..........THE FACTS!!

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Well, while relaying "THE FACTS!!", how about telling us what kind of video card you are using.

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Hey Clutch.......


I'm using a G-force 2 MX with reference drivers version on both Os's (just got this version for XP/2K today!)


Regards smile

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Good luck dude, because I have no idea what it is. Both of the suggestions made here have worked for me every time, that's why I find your problem puzzling (especially with a card like that, I was half expecting some "Oak Technologies" or "Number Nine" throwback :)).

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There's no problem here, I just posted higher up ;( that it works!


here's the Info again:


Win 98 (First Ed) & Win 2000 have >DIFFERENT SCREEN POSITIONS<


Win 98 (Second Ed) & Win 2000 have >SAME SCREEN POSITIONS<


My question was "Do Win 98 (Second Ed) and Win 2000 have the same screen positions?".........I then installed them both and the answer was yes, they do......No problem here.





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Ahh, I thought you were still buried under Win98 Rev A. Then all's well afterall.

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Yeh, all's well now


But hey, many thanks for all your sugestions and thoughts........at least we got to the bottom of that, and it may help someone else in the future


Thanks again......



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