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anyone else?

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XP was runing fine on my bp6 machine.

I upgraded my V3 3000 to a gef2 mx400 (hardly an upgrade I know). Installed the det21.81's and then received bsod afetr bsod after bsod and auto rebooting.


I had XP also running on my CUV4x-d machine and was running fine until i got the same errors after installing latest dets.


After much searching and mooching around on other forums, it seems the latest dets have been responsible for hosing quite a few machines.


Does this concur with anybody else?

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I have heard of alot of probs with the new dets, have you tried any other drivers?

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I have just removed the 21.81 Dets.

They were causing me a lot of problems.

Games & applications crashing all over the place, if a game crashed I couldn't attempt to run it again without first re-booting the whole PC.

Check the 'archive' section over at www.nvidia.com and grab the 12.41 drivers - I didn't have a single problem with those before I upgraded and my system is now 100% stable again after their re-installation.

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I imaged my XP install with the 21.81 dets, so I spose I can just use the 'rollback feature' to get back to the 12.41's ;-)

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