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Detonator 4 drivers

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Does anyone have a problem with the new Detonator drivers? When I run DXDIAG and go to display. Then try to run the DirectX Acceleration test, it will fail on me.


If I load the 12.81 drivers it works fine.


I have a Geforce2 GTS with 32MB.


Anyone else have this problem?

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i have same problem with Det4.

Blue screen crash with system dump pointing to NVDisp while playing starcraft.

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Det4's work great for me. I'd been using the 10.80's for a long time, as any driver after that would slow down in non DX8 games, which is just about all of mine. No loss in performance forn non DX8 games, and DX8 got a major boost from the last dets (12.20 I think) I tried.

So far Win2k runs dandy with the new dets. If something runs a foul, I'll just drop back to the 10.80's that I know work great.

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