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Question about NAV

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NAV Retail is meant for the home user. You can tell by the package that it comes with and the fact that it cannot be manager over the network. It is also more bloated because of that fact.


NAV Corporate is more streamlined and doesn't have options that you do not need. It is designed to be managed over the network but can easily be switched to standalone and can be update as easily as NAV Retail.


I use NAV Corporate 7.51 on all my work computers. Althought the management console (You can see every computer that uses the servers as a Virus definition server through the console) is not as good as I would like it to be it's still better that anything out there for management of antivirus on networked computers.




It's also fully compatible with 9x/2K/XP.

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"It is also more bloated because of that fact."


What rubbish thou talks!

NAV 2002, constant protection, that is ever file is automatically scanner before it is executed.

E-Mail protection, all e-mails are scanned both incomming out outgoing.

Memory in use by NAV 2002:



Navapsvc.exe 1,768k


Oh, look at all that memory in use for total protection.

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Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition 7.51.850


vptray.exe = 1,112k




*Yep. I speaketh rubish alright. It's a common fact that CE is better than the retail. Think about it.

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CE also has versions for exchange etc... Retail does not even know such software exist.


I use CE as well both on web servers and corporate networks. saves you the trouble smile Even mailing guy can manage the updates and deploy them.

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