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About Ghost and Drive Image Pro

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Look, both are widely used programs from reputable producers, with many users. If your question could be answered only one of them would be available. The world isn't such an easy place after kindergarten, and there is a lot of stuff that cannot be placed on a simple better - worse scale.


Life is though, you have both programs, be a man and try 'em out.




P.S. Personally I prefer DI.

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I prefer drive image. As ghost cannot see NTFS partitions. i mean, it can backup ntfs partitions only to a fat partition... Drive image can see everything + the interface of drive image is nicer smile

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DriveImage is more simpler and easyier to use if you ask me... though version 4 doesn't support Windows XP, where as Ghost 7 does (I think).



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There's a new Drive Image 5.0 out that does work with XP, you can download it from Powerquest's site (for a "slight" fee).

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I love ghost but the only problem with it is that it cant write to ntfs partitions so i had to format my 2nd HDD with fat32 which was a bit annoying. Apart from that its great.

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