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Power Supply

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I have a 235w Power Supply running AMD Athlon 1.2ghz on Windows 2000 Pro.


When I'm doing straneous windows tasks within windows(file transfers, etc) my Computer freezes, no mouse movement, I see the mouse, and everything on the screen. I reboot and windows didn't think it crashed. Could this be happening because of the wattage of my power supply?

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It's your power supply. Get at least a 300 watter, AMD approved.

Get a new one and then come back if the problems persist.

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I think your power supply is fine if you don't have a GeForce card.

Maybe problem with your IDE driver?

But it won't hurt if you get a new and more powerful power supply though.

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That power supply is too weak to use with Athlons and more than 2 IDE drives and floppy and a few cards. Seriously, that power supply is probably your biggest problem. You'll need a bigger one for future use anyway.

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I have a Geforce2 mx400 32mb Video card with a Creative Labs 1370 Sound card. It screams in games, but whenever I'm doing windows work, it will freeze like I said. Never fails. When I'm doing a download larger than 3 megs (over dialup), it will freeze up.


I'll buy a new power supply next week then.


Thanks all

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I'd check out pricewatch, I bought a 400 watt AMD approved for 50 something shipped to my door, warranted and all. Nice power supply, boat load of connectors.

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