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Service Pack files

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Can i delete the service packs files folder in the Winnt directory for windows2000 Professional confused ?


Any help would be great



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Yes, but it's not recommended. It's there so you don't have to insert the CD when Win2k needs a file, like in 98.

If ya need more space, buy another hard drive. smile

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I dont a new hard drive, just i have a 3GB C:\ Partition and was just wondering if it was ok to do if i needed space on my windows drive...



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I'd leave them there. In the event that the files in the WINNT directory got corrupted, Win2k would look to the service pack files to get an uncorrupted version.

It's probably in your best intrests to just leave them there.;)

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Also in situations requiring the installation of a service pack that direvtory would be needed. I don't think MS lists the situations since they don't want you to remove the directory. If you look at the situations that require a reload of a SP in NT then you'll get the picture.

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