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How to view old registry

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I have my registry from a previous install of win2k backed up on my HD...how do I view it so I can copy stuff out of it? When I try to open it with Regedit, it tries to overwrite my existing registry with that one...I just want to take a look at it..Thanks



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I can't say if this will work in XP, but it does in previous versions of NT. Be careful while doing this!


1) Run REGEDT32 as administrator

2) Select HKLM and Registry+Load Hive and select the old registry file that you want

3) Type the name of a key to mount ("Test"), you can now look around, even use REGEDIT if you are more comfortable with that.

4) Select the key you created and do Unload Hive when you are finished.


This is also how you use a parallel NT install to fix a registry problem in a recovery situation, BTW.

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what a pain in the butt....stupid windows. why would they not offer an effective soulution for view registries other than your own.

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