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How to rip off ...

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... Frontpage Express from the W2K CD?

I am too lazy - tis too late here - to figure it out.

I have upgraded my little sister box to W2K but now she is screaming for Frontpage in order to do stuff on her website. It did not install by default but apparently it is there in a bunch of blah.dl_ files and cabs.

Help much appreciated from some of you expert hackers out there.

She will not leave me alone until I install it.

I am scared laugh

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I could have sworn that you can get it with IE as an option. Have you tried that?

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Yes, but it intalls IIS services in a "microsoft frontpage" directory under programme files.

No Frontpage Express as such as it was with win98.

I have it on my Win98 partition and I did not remember having done anything special to have it there because I do not use it. It was apparently also installed by default on my sister's previous win98 setup. 8)

I am wondering though : could this app have been installed without me being aware during some WindowsUpdate session?

She will kill me for sure frown



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Just digged further into the case.

You are right.

Can be downloaded with ie5 sp2 for win98 and nt4, but NOT win2k.

I suspect some trick from M$. Well ... M$ is mainly tricks laugh

I downloaded from a specially configured NT4 workstation at work, then ripped off all relevant files, extracted reg keys, burned a cd, copied to a W2K partition on other computer, merged keys and ... it works wink

What fun


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There is no version of it in W2k.

Iven if you have the full IE files for all versions it will not install.


Just get her homesite or some other SW. I think it is freeware, never used it, dunno who makes it.

Your other alternatives are,

1: Leave the Country

2: Hire a Hitman

3: Port FP express in to W2k yourself

4: Get her an html in 14 days book and show her how to start "notepad"



Appearantly an option as stupid as reinstalling her old OS will not be listed above!

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