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NT4 Startmenu Delay

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I'm having probs with TweakUI not storing the startmenu display speed under NT4. In the help file it says some users may not have enough privelages to write to the registry, but I'm the admin account. I've also set the display timing manually in the registry, but it hasn't helped at all. TweakUI works until I logoff or reboot, then it's back to default slow-*** speed. Any suggestions greatly appreciated

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i guess you could try X-Setup, it does far more than tweak ui and i like it alot more.

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Well, I've done a bit of messing around with this problem, and it seems to be related to MS IntelliPoint software. As soon as it's removed, things work perfectly. No matter what version I install, it does the same

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Sounds like it may be altering the reg keys that coincide with what you are trying to alter

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Hey Eks, have you tried #ntcompatible on Undernet? hrhrhrhrr...

Don't even think about flaming on this one smile

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