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Brian Frank

PDF's + IE 6=Lock ups. Okaaaay...

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IE6 and Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 don't seem to like each other. Some PDF files are unable to be read and lock IE up. Others work fine, but the problem happens too often to make a strong case for corrupted PDFs. Did the same thing with 4.0.

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I am running IE6 and Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 and haven't had any problems. Are the PDF's you are trying to read, created with a really old version of Adobe Acrobat?

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I don't think so. AMD's documents give me trouble, as well as the GeForce FAQ, despite that it's updated regularly. I'm under the assumption that they would use a recent version to write their PDF's.

Some sites will do it, other's don't give me a single problem.

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Never had this problem, however i have a different one with IE and acrobat.

If I want to print a page using acrobat printer driver, IE and acrobat crashes miserably and i loose about 50-100 MB to no mans land. It is fine when i reboot. but a bit annoying. I think it might have something to do with page margins but it is not terribly important for me to go around hunting solutions.

If anybody else have the same issue i would like to hear your solution though!

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