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Don't use DISKEEPER 7!!!

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This is NOT A FINAL PRODUCT! The one I got was a beta and wasn't labeled as such, I ended up corrupting my RAID array and had to reformat. I didn't know the problem was Diskeeper 7 at the time and proceeded to reinstall it only to have my system corrupted again.


I have traced the problem to the boot time defrag feature. I suspected my RAID controller was the culprit and that maybe Diskeeper 7 wasn't compatible with it, so I eliminated my RAID array and used a single hard drive on the motherboard's IDE controller.


Reinstalled Diskeeper 7, and bam, registry hive corruptions UP THE WAZOO.








Stick to PerfectDisk, Speed Disk 2002, Diskeeper 6 and other programs. All have been proven to work great in XP.


I can only hope that none of you suffered what I did, it's devestating losing 50 gigs of data after my RAID-0 stripe broke the first time around. I had SO MUCH STUFF!!11 :::criez:::

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That's why I went SCSI. Back up all 17gigs of my data on 1 17gig drive (in fact I have no free space left frown getting 36g soon).


2 17g SCSI


1 for backups (currently full frown ) (ALL NTFS)


2 60g DMA/100 IBM (previously RAID)

1 Linux

1 Games (2 partitions FAT32 'cause of Linux not supporting NTFS frown )


As for Diskeeper 7 as far as I know it's Final. Are you overclocking? Using a HPT370 controller?

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Overclocking, no. Using an HPT370, yes. But then I disabled it and used the onboard IDE controller instead and it still corrupted my data. NEVER HAPPENED WITH ANY OTHER DISK DEFRAGGER BEFORE!

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Man it's your hpt controller. i had nothing but problems with that piece of crap. I bought myself a cheap promise ATA100 pci card and zero probs since then. I've been using diskkeeper 7 for 1 month now and no problems with it either.


[Edit] Ohw sorry, i read to fast, i didn't see you disabled it. Nvm my stupid post smile

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Build 393





The Diskeeper 6.0 and Undelete 2.0 Server and Workstation

full versions for Windows are compliant with the Microsoft

Windows 2000 logo certification.


At this time, Diskeeper 7.0 has not yet been certified, nor

has any of the following:


Diskeeper Trialware, the Deleted File Analysis Utility and the

additional resources on the Diskeeper CD. The Alpha version of

Diskeeper also has not been certified for the Windows logo.





This version of Diskeeper is supported on Intel x86 (or

compatible) platforms running Windows 95, Windows 98,

Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP.


Note that if this is an update version of Diskeeper and

you are installing it on a computer that was upgraded to

Windows 2000 from either Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 9x,

the update installation will not save any previous settings.

You will need to re-enter any exclusion lists, "Set It and

Forget It" schedules and Frag Guard settings.


Note also that Diskeeper requires OSR 2 or higher on Windows 95






2. We have noted occasional problems in defragmenting volumes

that have been configured or resized with Partition Magic.

If you are having problems defragmenting a volume, and it

has previously been configured or resized with Partition

Magic, it may be necessary to backup, reformat, and restore

the volume prior to running Diskeeper.

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I don't have RAID.

But i do use Diskkeeper 7 on IDE harddrives.

Boot time and normal.

It works fine.

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