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WindowsXP Boot-time Logo

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Since I can upload an BMP image to my BIOS (ASUS Black Pearl Motherboard) I would like to upload Windows XP Boot-time logo to my BIOS to be shown when turn on my computer instead of showing all those BIOS, disk and RAM data in text mode.


My question is:

Does anyone know where can I get this WindowsXP Boot-time logo - the one on black background?

Please help me find it... smile

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Use Resource Hacker or some other prog. Copy ntoskrnl.exe out of the Windows directory to another directory and then look for the file.

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If anyone does get it/ have it, could you's post it up somewhere, i don't have XP, i don't even know how the boot logo looks.


Don't tell me it has clouds on it please:p



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Thanks, DosFreak, but I hink I can't get the proper logo form that EXE file because the resource with logo-image has chaned color palette... Ill se what I can do...


and there's an logo image for Reversing_Drive, but it is not the whole of it... some parts are missing...


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